Shortly about me
I am passionate about people and technology. I love to travel, explore new tastes and smells. I love changes, fast-paced environments and creativity. What's crucial for me at work? Great team and being able to make a difference. During my life:
I graduated from the University of Warsaw with a Master Degree in Psychology. I wrote my Master's Thesis on smells and personality traits.
I co-organized the 1st National Conference 'Aspects of Neuroscience' as well as Speed Datings:-).
I participated in an internship at the Polish Academy of Science where I got hooked by EEG research. I continues it at Dalhouse University and Orange Poland.
With a goal of improving websites I did usability research for Groupon and few other companies.
I eventually transitioned into tech by learing programming from scratch in a year. I took part in Hackbright Academy.
I have been living in Silicon Valley for 1.5 years. During my time there I was working at an awesome startup: Codility. I had the chance to wear many hats across Support, Sales and Customer Success while growing this polish company abroad.
I am making my dreams come true. Last one? Trip through New Zealand. 2 weeks / 3000 km driven / 232 km walked.